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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pilot S01E00

Ummm.. Ok I know I have started this pretty late. Bite me.
       This is Siddharth Samant doing Computer Engineering from KJ Somaiya, … No!! the Sion one. Yeah :( Anyways this is my first blog out there (I know when I will be reading this years later, is going to sound lame).  I am a designer who is still learning Adobe Photoshop CS5. Coding has been one of my first world problems and I have been avoiding it by carrying chits to my practical exams. I also love playing pranks and trolling others. (I was supposed to add more stuff but I lost the paper where I had written all my attributes. kidding)

       Ok few things about the blogs which might* follow, my style of writing is unorthodox, nor do I have Thesaurus opened in another tab. Some times my EQ shoots up and I might start spamming few emoticons like these, @^_^@ (Took me 10 secs to type that smiley, so I will pass)So if you are reading my blog its like reading an article on Wikipedia with  ”Simple English” checked (Yes, There is an language option on Wikipedia to view some perplexed essays for Indians :P ). Also I will upload few of my designs which I have made through these years. I had a twitter account for past 2 years and I have started tweeting until recently (@that_sidartguy) so might share few of my tweets as quotes. That is that.

        Damn! I had lot of things going on in my head while I was writing this blog, like my ProcCat test tomorrow… (O yeah I am an MBA ass-pirant) ;)   
Anyways this is it, I hope next time I should be able to stretch this a few inches more.

P.S : No Paper was wasted while making this blog :P.

My poster for GOW2 Poster competition